advanced adj. 1.前进的,先驱的;高等的,高深的。 2.先进的。 3.(年纪)老的,(夜)深的。 most advanced branches of science and technology 尖端科学技术。 rather an advanced young woman 较先进的妇女。 a man advanced in years 老年人。 advanced age 高龄。 advanced grammar 高等语法。 advanced ideas 进步思想。 advanced post 前哨。 advanced studies 高等[先进]的学术研究。 a culturally advanced country 高度文明的国家。
advanced arsenal (高级兵工厂):玩家可以在殖民时代就建造兵工厂,并且可以获得更强力的科技。; (高级兵工厂):玩家可以在殖民时代就建造兵工厂,并且有强力的科技可以升级。
He was doing really advanced work on gene mapping 他在基因作图方面成就非凡
The 4th meeting of the hkzm bridge advance work co - ordination group in guangzhou ( 17 . 12 . 2004 ) 港珠澳大桥前期工作协调小组第四次会议( 17
Supplementary information on the progress of the advance work for the hzmb and the nlhc 有关港珠澳大桥及北大屿山公路连接路前期工作进展的补充资料。
His teaching interests include late imperial china , comparative cultural history , and comparative historiography , in addition to advanced work in his specialty 除了钻研中国中古史,他的教学兴趣包括中国近世历史比较文化史以及比较史学。
Roads works , use and compensation ordinance chapter 370 notice under section 8 - pwp item no . 5793th road p1 advance works at sunny bay , lantau 道路(工程、使用及补偿)条例(第370章) (根据第8 ( 2 )条规定所发的公告) - -工务计划项目第5793th号大屿山p1号道路欣澳段的前期工程
Having confirmed the need and urgency for the hong kong - zhuhai - macao bridge , a co - ordination group with representatives from the three governments has begun advance work for the project 兴建港珠澳大桥的必要性和迫切性得到肯定后,由三地代表组成的协调小组已展开前期工作。
Having confirmed the need and urgency for the hong kong - zhuhai - macao bridge , a co - ordination group with representatives from the three governments has begun advance work for the project 兴建港珠澳大桥的必要性和迫切性得到肯定后,由三地代表组成的协调小组已展开前期工作。
Roads ( works , use and compensation ) ordinance ( chapter 370 ) ( notice under section 8 ( 2 ) ) - - pwp item no . 5793th road p1 advance works at sunny bay , lantau 道路(工程、使用及补偿)条例(第370章) (根据第8 ( 2 )条规定所发的公告) - -工务计划项目第5793th号大屿山p1号道路欣澳段的前期工程
The time has passed when the normally well - educated man without special preparation could understand the most advanced work in , for example , mathematics , philosophy , and physics 受一般教育的人,无须特别准备,就可以了解在譬如,数学,哲学,与物理,领域内,最高深的作品,的时代,已经不复存在了
The panel noted that the hong kong - zhuhai - macao bridge advance work co - ordination group had commissioned the china highway planning and design institute to conduct a feasibility study for hzmb 事务委员会察悉,港珠澳大桥前期工作协调小组已委聘中交公路规划设计院进行港珠澳大桥的可行性研究。